Wednesdays during School Year

Usually 5:30PM to 7PM

YOUTH 6th-12th Grade/ Worship & Teaching, Food, Fun

Unique Summer Calendar of Camps,VBS & Fun Events

Talk with Jeremy our Youth Pastor

Sundays during School Year

Usually 5PM - 6:30PM

Children's Missions & Discipleship Classes


Time of Bible Study & Worship

Piano Led Hymns


In addition to our Weekly 10:30AM Sunday Worship Services, these are some of the other regularly occuring ministries that you will find throughout the year.

Unique Bible Studies

and fellowship opportunities.

Grief Support Group

Fall/Spring Semesters

Call Church office to register


Small Group Studies

for every age!

Sundays at 9:15

Grab some free breakfast

in our fellowship hall!

Local Recovery Support Group that meets at the Church at North Hills.

We have many in our SBC Family that are a part of this group and would love to help get you involved!

We enjoy every opportunity to break bread together!  Every fifth Sunday we potluck and take care of business needs.  You may occasionally catch us having some Bible Trivia/Mad Gab nights, Ice Cream Socials, and outside worship services on the parking lot!

We have a faithful team with a heart for sharing the Gospel through the Operation Christmas Child Ministry.  Jump in on the many opportunities throughout the year to help with this ministry.

Every Sunday our Worship Team and Choir leads us in Worship through song, singing "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs".  If you love Jesus and love encouraging others to worship him, talk with Jeremy our Worship Pastor about serving!

Our Choir also works on seasonal selections throughout the year and even combines with other local churches for a Christmas Choir Worship Night!